Develop outside interests, your whole life shouldn’t be about counseling business, so make time to regularly take a breather from your clients. Pickti...
Scheduling need not be overwhelming, it could be simple with the use of effective scheduling software to take up the role instead of costing your extr...
The web-based employee scheduling software could be less expensive than the good old pen and paper solution, the cost savings in terms of operational...
Offer your team flexible working hours by using Picktime- online free scheduling software that perfectly fits into handling your call center manageria...
With our new 'Offhours booking' Feature, you can schedule appointments irrespective of your working hours. This is feature is available for admins onl...
Its time to switch your old school ways of scheduling with brand new online scheduling platform. All thanks to the modern technology that has found it...
As a salon manager, you will become the heart and soul of salon progress. Be prepared to trade with all things- Good and Bad. 10 Pro tips to manage yo...
We always have a lot of our clients wanting to know more about all the new features we are currently working on. We thought there is no better way tha...
Every single day as a cleaning business owner you send in your team on various different tasks. Here are a few tips that can solve cleaning business p...