With the continual growth of the art market, we know how important it is to own and manage an art studio. Whether it is used to create and publish real-time listings for any type of activity or event such as art classes, camps, parties, workshops, special events, and more, online scheduling software will streamline your art studio management so that you can truly focus on the creative process.

Let us look into few benefits of seamlessly allowing all your clients to make reservations with your studio right from their device.
Increase your online presence
The ushering digital lifestyle has made online presence the topmost quality for the success of any business. Post more about your art studio in a creative manner on your website to attract as many art lovers as possible to set their feet to your doorsteps. Post creative stuff like cool pictures, fun stuff at parties or entertainment during events on your website. Offer party or event bookings right from your website. Advertise what type of classes you offer and when.
Fill up all your classes before the week even starts
You can’t grow your business by playing the guessing game of “I wonder how many clients will come into the studio today”. Get a real-time view of your appointments for the day, week, month or any custom time frame you need to see. Instantly check enrollment numbers for your group lessons and quickly print out rosters before the lesson starts.
Class bookings
All the many aspects of setting up classes can be managed here, program type, experience level, tuition, member pricing, class size, a picture for your web page, pay rates and class day selection. Classes can be configured on a weekly basis, adjoining days or a random collection of dates. View classes according to date and time slots in the Calendar View Display for conflict-free scheduling. Add a Wait List Option when class registration is full, so you can keep track of those eager to register.
From renting out your studio for a day to booking art lessons, make it easy to show your availability to interested clientele. You can display all your different booking options on the same page and let clients choose the best time for them that you have available. Now you don’t have to be manning the front desk to get reservations made.
Cancel appointments from home or the office
Bad storms can make driving to your studio dangerous for both you and your clients. The next time you have to shut down due to bad weather or other unexpected events, just log in to your scheduling account from your home computer, tablet, or phone and send out cancellation or rescheduling emails for your appointments. Even your customers can cancel out or reschedule their bookings a couple of clicks.
Private lessons
Lessons can be configured as recurring on a weekly basis with start and end dates that can be viewed and edited as needed. The time intervals of lessons can be 30, 45 and 60 minutes. Sync your favorite calendars, Google or Outlook, to keep organized and avoid scheduling conflicts with an internal calendar system that checks for double bookings, holidays and blackout dates. Lessons can be assigned to a specific location for conflict-free room management.
Reduce no-shows with automated reminders
No more awful last-minute cancellations and loss of revenue!
Reduce late and missed appointments and keep your staff and customers happy by sending out automated reminders through email or SMS notifications to your clients or workforce prior to the appointment.
Online Scheduling Software like Picktime, can make your art studio a happy place filled with satisfied customers! Make use of it for free...Sign up now!