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8 Ways to Simplify Your Cleaning Business

Cleaning Business Business Tips Business Automation 10 min read

The satisfying feeling after a nice deep-cleaning session is so calming and refreshing! You feel revitalized and rejuvenated to enter a freshly cleaned surroundings, as it instantly makes you feel good. Some people find cleaning sessions therapeutic. While some others feel it is a great way to escape the harsh reality. And many of them agree that it is a daunting and tiring task. This bunch relies on a cleaning business!

So why not convert them into customers by providing them with cleaning services?

Wondering how? Well, this article discusses what a cleaning business is and how you can simplify it in 8 magical ways. Let’s dive in!

Cleaning Business
Photo by Matilda Wormwood from Pexels

What is a Cleaning Business?

A cleaning business carries out various cleaning activities on different premises. This business manages all the cleaning tasks at residential or commercial locations. It usually encompasses a staff that is assigned to particular tasks on particular days at different locations. They charge money in exchange for cleaning services.

The best part about starting a cleaning business is that it does not demand prior expertise. However, it is essential to research the market and target audience before stepping into the industry. The cleaning industry has many growth opportunities and is highly beneficial on a personal front. It enables business owners to schedule work based on their preferences, giving them flexibility in choosing their work hours. It is a lucrative business that is not too tiring or stressful.

Why the Cleaning Business?

It is no lie that cleaning businesses are in high demand. Organizations, businesses, and individuals prefer cleaning businesses to clean their houses and spaces. The growing demand opens doors of opportunity for cleaning businesses.

Here’s the proof:

A study by Allied Market Research states that: “The global cleaning services industry was valued at $55,715.0 million in 2020. Growing at a CAGR of 6.5%, it is estimated to reach a whopping $111,498.8 million by 2030.

The above statistics are enough to prove that the cleaning business market is huge. It is on the verge of growing to new heights. It shows no signs of slowing for more than a decade. Now is the perfect time to start a cleaning business or to gear up an existing one!

Are you looking to simplify your cleaning business without interrupting the workflow? You’ve landed on the right page! Simplifying your business has loads of benefits that save you from time-consuming and manual tasks. Keep reading to learn how you can simplify your cleaning business and streamline the workflow effectively. Below are a few ways that give you a better understanding of how it leverages your business growth.

8 Ways to Simplify Your Cleaning Business

The cleaning business requires little to no experience. It is an affordable and profitable business with loads of benefits. Not having a boss who yells at you and getting to work as per your schedule is everyone’s dream! It also allows you to set your pricing strategy, have the ability to reject work, and choose the location you want to work at. Eventually, you can build a team and establish lasting relationships with clients. However, the catch is, that these advantages come at the price of hard work and perseverance in managing a business. It involves loads of planning, scheduling, bookings, payments, finances, and more.

And how do we simplify that? We’ve got your back! Here are eight solid ways to simplify your cleaning business and get rid of the hassle.

1. Manage your team virtually

When was the last time you managed all of your team members without causing delays or errors? You probably don’t even remember. Hiring a team can help you grow your cleaning business, but it also adds more tasks to your schedule. Managing a cleaning business doesn’t necessarily require your team to be at your office or a fixed location. You can manage your team online and assign them tasks based on the schedule.

One of the best and most effective Cleaning Scheduling platforms that also helps manage your team remotely is Picktime. You can schedule, appoint, or modify the tasks of a team member, and Picktime automatically notifies them about their tasks. Picktime can help you track the progress of each team member with a few clicks. Supervising your team remotely and scheduling their tasks can help save time and energy. Virtual team management was never this easy!

2. Specify the services and prices

What would you choose between a business that clearly mentions its services and prices and one that surprises you with a hole in your pocket after you have used its services? Obviously, the former one. No one likes backstabbing surprises! If you don’t provide the charges for your services, you are losing your potential customers.

The cleaning business industry allows you to choose your services and pricing strategy. You should assign a different pricing strategy to each team member based on the quality of their work without their interference. Your customers must understand the services you offer along with its price. Picktime allows you to manage your team along with appointing services and prices, all in one place. Once a service is booked, Picktime sends an automated confirmation email to the customer, saving you time. This makes it easy to manage the bookings, along with keeping the customers informed about the details of their chosen services. A win-win situation for you and your customer!

3. Effective task scheduling

In a cleaning business, the bookings can be immediate or advanced. In such cases, scheduling bookings in an offline setup gets tedious and affects the workflow. It creates messy schedules that are too daunting to handle, affects productivity, and leads to inefficiency. A scheduled workflow helps you and your team work effectively and improves the quality of your services. Effective scheduling can potentially speed up your workflow and allow you more time to focus on growing your business instead of spending time on inefficient manual tasks.

Be it advanced or immediate bookings, Picktime can come to your rescue. It can assign bookings to team members based on priority and/or round-robin features. Modification or cancellation of the bookings can also be managed efficiently with Picktime. The team members are notified and alerted when a booking is scheduled, modified, or canceled. With this feature of Picktime, cleaning businesses can manage scheduling effectively while also assigning tasks to their staff.

4. Create and leverage online platforms

Any business that is looking to scale up must have a strong online presence. You can simplify your traditional marketing techniques by putting your cleaning business out on the internet. Digital marketing is the best way to simplify your marketing techniques. It helps market your services to the audience present on the internet and gives you a better reach. Design a website and create a social media profile for your cleaning business to increase brand awareness. Improved brand awareness leads to improved sales.

The stronger the online presence your business has, the better impressions your customers will have. Well-optimized social media can help you reach your customers. Also, a well-structured and efficient website can leverage your revenue. Use the online platforms that your target market uses the most to attract leads. Later, convert these leads into customers by posting informative content and engaging regularly with your audience. Don’t shy away from bringing your cleaning business online; it can get you loads of customers!

5. Link online appointment booking software to your website and social media

Now that you have optimized social media and a structured website, the right digital marketing strategies will bring many eyes rolling through it. You would not want these visitors to leave your site or social media without taking action, right? And that is exactly where Picktime helps you. You can link an online appointment booking URL with your website and social media.

You might be wondering why linking your appointment-booking software to your online platforms is important. For instance, your target audience is looking for the services you provide and ends up going through your website or social media. If they like what they see, they will look for ways to get more details and book your cleaning services. In such a case, if they do not find a booking link, they can exit, and you just lose another potential customer. That’s the last thing you want, right? Hence, linking an online appointment booking system helps your potential customers make decisions faster and book appointments more efficiently. With over 30+ integrations, Picktime can convert your visitors into loyal customers.

6. Put your equipment to use through equipment rental

A cleaning business is unpredictable. There are high chances of getting either loads of bookings or no bookings at all. In such times, cleaning businesses must find a way to sustain themselves. One option is equipment rental. There might be customers who would want to use your equipment but not your services. This is when it is best to rent out your cleaning equipment to make some extra bucks.

The question is, how do you rent your equipment? Let Picktime help you. It offers a great feature of equipment rental management, where you can rent your equipment to people in need. It allows you to track the rented equipment by setting the date and time of equipment pick-up and drop-off. Also, it helps manage payments with safe and secure payment applications. This will benefit you and your customers economically. With Picktime, cleaning businesses can not just simplify their business but also AMPLIFY it!

7. Make business management easy

Simplifying the management aspect of a cleaning business can relieve business owners from so many tasks. At times, business management can be time-consuming. Streamlining the workflow and day-to-day operations is the ultimate solution that can help you manage the business effectively and efficiently. It helps you focus on growing your business rather than doing slow, tedious processes.

Business management includes finance management, team management, online presence, services, pricing strategies, growth strategies, marketing, and so much more. What if you could handle all of this with one platform? It saves loads of time, money, and resources from manual work. It helps you deliver your services way better than before and keeps your customers happy. Let Picktime take away all the load while you manage your business like a pro. From team management and scheduling to bookings and payments, Picktime can manage it all in one place!

8. Stay organized

Saved the best for the last! Staying organized with business management and operations is the one thing many successful entrepreneurs and excerpts swear by. It not only saves time but also helps manage the business efficiently. It helps business owners and their teams stay productive and gives easy access to any information or data at any point in time.

Staying organized with business management is essential, regardless of the scale of the industry. Organizing the workflow, business plans, progress, business projects, marketing strategies, etc. can keep you ahead of the game. In addition, documenting the business processes and having them organized can help you stay productive. Experts recommend having a standard operating procedure (SOP) at each stage of your business that helps you track the progress and enable business continuity. Hence, staying organized can simplify half of your business tasks and establish consistent growth.

Wrap up!

The cleaning industry is always in high demand. In fact, it is highly profitable and takes minimum investment. Starting your own cleaning business is no doubt a smart move. Though managing a cleaning business is not as easy as it may sound, learning to simplify your tasks and building a routine can help your business flourish. A simplified workflow is more effective than a messy one. Hence, cleaning businesses must follow the above-stated ways to simplify their business, level up their business growth, and ultimately achieve success faster.

Get going with simplifying your cleaning business right away! Bid goodbye to the old-school techniques of managing a cleaning business and follow these eight ways to become the No.1 in your industry. Also, don’t forget to check out the most effective and useful business automation tool for your business— Picktime!

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